A note from Lolo- Two immigrants from Mexico

As Mexicans and immigrants, these past few weeks have weighed heavily on us. For us, no political stance can justify the attacks on our people, our culture, and our right to migrate, among other attacks we've witnessed in other communities. To those who have reached out with kindness and support: thank you. We see you, and we feel it deeply.

Some have asked what the current changes means for Lolo, especially as we offer imported crafts. The truth is, we don’t know what the future holds. What we do know is that Lolo was born out of a desire to share Lo Bien Hecho en México and to challenge the misconceptions about our cultura.

Like so, what we do know is that we’re not going anywhere: If some don’t want us to be here, then taking up space will become our act of resistance.

For those in the same boat as us wondering what to do, take space, hold your ground, and be visible in a place where people don’t want you to be. Lastly, if you have the privilege to do so, make space and support others.

Gracias, de todo corazón, for standing with us and being the incredible community you are.

Aquí estamos y no nos vamos,

Manuel and Regina, February 2025




Please know from the other side of the world, we are so saddened by recent events. My life is richer from the moments I have shared with people who migrated.

Melinda Lang Hilsenbeck

Melinda Lang Hilsenbeck

Ustedes tienen mi apoyo y mis oraciones. Yo admiro su coraje y su determinación, y yo comparto su amor por la cultura y la gente mexicana -inmigrantes o no. ¡Viva Lolomercadito! ❤️

Kat Kleinman

Kat Kleinman

I think you know that I am a big fan of yours! You support artisans from beautiful Mexico, and we will be here to support you.

Rosario Cantú

Rosario Cantú

I am right there with you! All immigrants have so much to offer, and we will stand together in solidarity!
¡Jamás nos vencerán!



Your comments went straight to my heart. Please know that I stand with you. My grandparents came to the US because they believed this was a good place and open to all. God willing, we will return to decency. Stay strong.

Martha Mikeska

Martha Mikeska

I loved meeting your family at Lola. The Oaxacan black on white dress reminds me often of that fun visit. Hold your ground! I respect you and all migrants. Hope to visit again soon.



La lucha continua! Unidos somos mas fuertes!!

Venessa Trevino-Stevens

Venessa Trevino-Stevens

Some of the brightest and most talented people are immigrants. Without them we will be the ones to lose out in the long run. Yes, STAND YOUR GROUND



Thank you so much for your words and being apart of the SA community.



Don’t give up, even though this fight can sometimes feel hopeless. Resisting alongside you, and happy to keep supporting your business and your family.

Mary Hooper

Mary Hooper

Immigrants make our country stronger and more prosperous.

Deb Taylor

Deb Taylor

Spread your wings, take up your space and speak your truth!
We are all richerfor immigrants. Indeed. most of us are immigrants ourselves ( a few generations removed).
I stand with you and all humans who strive for a better life.



God bless you. God bless us all!

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