The Huipil: From Everyday to Eternal Garment

The Huipil: From Everyday to Eternal Garment

Regina Campos
The Huipil stands as a celebration of culture, history, and the indispensable role of women. This blog explores the history of the huipil and the diverse ways in which... Read More...
The Huipil: From Everyday to Eternal Garment

The Huipil: From Everyday to Eternal Garment

Regina Campos
The Huipil stands as a celebration of culture, history, and the indispensable role of women. This blog explores the history of the huipil and the diverse ways in which... Read More...
William Spratling's Legacy in Taxco's Silver

William Spratling's Legacy in Taxco's Silver

Mexican History Culture and TraditionsRegina Campos
William Spratling, a foreigner who had so much love for the magical town of Taxco that he worked to raise its name and talent for generations to come by encouraging silversmith... Read more...
The flower with a thousand uses, Jamaica: Recipes and Origin

The flower with a thousand uses, Jamaica: Recipes and Origin

Mexican Food & Authentic RecipesRegina Campos
Agua de Jamaica (hibiscus tea) has been a staple in Mexican culture. This blog incorporate flor de Jamaica (dried hibiscus flowers) into three unique recipes to celebrate Mexican food’s versatility... Read More...
Scent of Love: The Totonac Leyend of How Vanilla Came to be

Scent of Love: The Totonac Leyend of How Vanilla Came to be

Mexican History Culture and TraditionsRegina Campos
Although the celebration of Valentine's Day was a festivity imported from Europe and has no basis in Mexican culture, we have adopted this holiday ...
Juego de Pelota: The Mesoamerican Sporting Event

Juego de Pelota: The Mesoamerican Sporting Event

Regina Campos
If passionate football fans laugh or cry at games today, let's imagine fans' reactions to the famous Juego de Pelotaa sport with ritual and warlike connotations, played since... Read More...
Highlights of Talent: Bordado de Cadenilla by Colectivo Sugmar

Highlights of Talent: Bordado de Cadenilla by Colectivo Sugmar

Artisan's Profiles: The faces behind our productsRegina Campos
Learn all about Sugeyli, a Mixe artisan from Oaxaca, and the family collective she is a part of, Colectivo Sugmar, the authors and creators of the stunning Cadenilla blouses at Lolo... Read More...
The Rebozo: *The* Mexican Garment

The Rebozo: *The* Mexican Garment

Regina Campos
The rebozo is a symbol of Mexican identity and heritage. It's more than just a piece of clothing; it's a part of the nation's history and culture. This blog explores our claim that the Rebozo is THE Mexican garment by excellence... Read more...